Individual publications

Article | Microbiota influences chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer

| February 2023 | New Article: In the study Tintelnot et al. identified a microbiota-derived metabolite that has clinical implications in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Sciomics supported the authors by a protein profiling study of tumours derived from a mouse model upon treatment with 3-IAA and Firinox.

Tintelnot et al. Microbiota-derived 3-IAA influences chemotherapy efficacy in pancreatic cancer. Nature 615, 168-174 (2023)

Article | The Lifestyle Modifications Affect the Endometrial Proteome

| June 2022 | In a study by D. Abdulkhalikova et al. Endometrial Proteome changes werde identified impacted by Lifestyle modification in woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Obesity.

Abdulkhalikova, DR. et al. The Lifestyle Modifications and Endometrial Proteome Changes of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Obesity. Front. Endocrinol. 2022 in press.

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